Minggu, 03 April 2011

Cibaduyut shoes can go international

A number of traditional shoemaker in Cibaduyut, Bandung.

BANDUNG, KOMPAS.com - Government recognizes the shoe industry in Bandung Cibaduyut region has enormous potential for growth in international markets.

"I believe, to the front of the local shoe industry was able to get into everywhere including exports," said Trade Minister Mari Elka Pangestu in Bandung, on Saturday (01/12/2011).

Mari Elka said, if the shoe industry in Cibaduyut want to be accepted in the international market, further improve the standardization and quality products. "(Quality) should continue to be increased so that it can compete with other products," he said after visiting the center Cibaduyut shoes, Bandung.

According to him, the shoe industry in Cibaduyut currently already growing rapidly. Therefore, the increased standardization of quality and production quality is important actors Cibaduyut shoe industry.

However, said Mari Elka, quality improvement and quality shoes will certainly drain the cost of production. That is, with very high production costs automatically the selling price would be high. "In my opinion, cheap is not necessarily the quality is good to be able to survive long-life or comfort. So we expect, the industry could improve its quality standards. But, of course, a price that can still reach people, "he said.

He added that the local shoe market potential is very great opportunity if accompanied by a very reliable quality. He said he pointed out, the Indonesian population of 230 million people means that there is so much market opportunity as well, but this must be done with a campaign using local products.

"If the quality is good, I think our society will be interested in local products. This will continue our Campaign. In fact, today I had an idea in my office once a week to require the use of domestic products of shoes, "he said.

Meanwhile, one of the Cibaduyut shoe industry, Dede H, stated that currently he is still a shortage of experts who can improve the quality of production.

But on the other hand, he assured if the raw material Cibaduyut shoes very well with typical skin. "If the issue is material we always use a good skin, but for our design experts are still shortcomings. Therefore, I hope the government will provide training for our workers to have a broad insight on how to design shoes, "said Dede H.

He hoped, the government also opened access to the entry of the right shoe that has good quality because the right shoe currently signed in majority have a standard number two.

Source : www.kompas.com

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